Jerry the Cherry

South East, UK

Rosebud Cherry - Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis Rosea'

Planted by Dormansland Primary School

'Jerry' is a small spreading, ornamental cherry tree that carries bell-shaped semi-double pink blossoms from late autumn until late winter on bare stems. It has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit - see

In 1989 Dormansland Primary was Paul Bedingfield's first rung on a ladder that ultimately lead to him researching malaria and lecturing at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. This commemorative cherry was planted on 22nd April 2012 by the current pupils at an assembly of the whole school, part of their contribution to repairing the ecology of our planet.

Dormansland Primary School, South East UK

This was Paul Bedingfield's first rung on the educational ladder.

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